These bugs were on a tree in the wildflower gardens. I’ve been trying to work out what they are. What bug is that looks comprehensive and has a good bug identification tool but I’ve been unsuccessful so far.
They’re quite distinctive looking, part of my problem is describing it in a way that someone who knows this bug would write about it. I found out entomology is very specialized and has a whole language of it’s own!
What is this?Whatever they are they like to hang out in packs. Check out the crusty one just below my thumb nail.
This coral fern was helpfully marked on the Mueller track in the wildflower gardens. It was growing on sandstone near the base of a small cliff. The species wasn’t indicated, but from the description in NPOS I think it’s Gleichenia rupestris. The fronds are flat on the underside and are larger and flatter than the pouched coral fern, the stalks are hairless.
Coral Fern - no pouches hereclose up of fronds and hairless stalks of the Coral Fern
Jess, Will and I went on another trip to the wildflower gardens. Kelly stayed at home with Tom to rest and recover from a cold. The rest of us had the worst of it yesterday.
We went in via the playground then on to explore the Mueller track for the first time. It was the first hot day of the season, was meant to be 28 and it did feel like it. Only a few meters out of the carpark we came across a large red bellied black snake by the side of the track enjoying the heat. We got a good close look, it didn’t seem too worried by us.
Just into the Mueller track the was a big nest of Jack Jumpers. Man I hate those things. Will was in the backpack and I carried Jess over. Just past the nest we came across another family coming the other way, I told them to look out for the ants. The mum jumped over, then the two daughters got scared and froze just in front of the ants nest and started screaming, then the mum started screaming “dont stand there! move move move!” quite a sight. It must have left an impression on Jess, the rest of the walk she was worried we might come across some more “bitey ants”
We came back up to the Solander trail at the hairpin and walked back to the playground for lunch. It was a good walk, Jess a Will seemed to like it, although they’d had enough by the end.
Red Bellied Black Snake by the side of the trackWill didn't pay much attention to the snakeA short drink stop on the Mueller track
I’ve fallen into a pattern of going out on an expedition on the weekend then posting the photos and descriptions during the week. This has worked well so far, starting today I’m going to post about the trips too.
The whole family went to visit Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden on Sunday. The gardens are really just a very well maintained collection of bush tracks next to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. There is a great play area for the kids, complete with semi tame wallabies that hop around. The main track we’ve been taking is sealed and easy to navigate with strolers and bikes / scooters. Many of the plants beside the track are labeled with common and scientific name, sometimes with a short description too. Perfect if you’re trying to learn to identify what you’re looking at!
Today we did the Solander Trail loop. It’s a good one for the kids, and with the stroller for Tom ( and Will when he gets tired ) it’s the only one we could really do. Jess had her scooter and was practicing gliding along with both feet off the ground. Tom was good as usual, after a feed at the playground he sat happily in the bottom of the stroller and watched the world go by. Will walked about 1/2 the distance before going in the stroller. He’s been in the wars a bit lately, he fell down the steps when we got home ( he insisted on wearing a gumboot on one foot ) I pulled a big splinter out of one of his knuckles and a little spike out of his foot tonight too.
Mid track snack - When the hunger hits they drop on the spot and eat.Jess and Will enjoyed the playgroundThere were a swarm of these on a tree in the playground.