Tag Archives: coral fern

Coral Fern ( G. microphylla )

Gleichenia microphylla

“Habit and Habitat as per G. dicarpa. Uncommon”NPOS p.314

Yet another Coral Fern! Along with the Pouched Coral Fern ( Gleichenia dicarpa ) and Gleichenia rupestris the G. microphylla compleats the entire set of coral Ferns found in Sydney, acording to NPOS anyway.

G. microphylla has features of both G. rupestris and G. dicarpa. It had very fine small fronds that are a deep green colour and convex on the top like G. dicarpa. But on the undersidethey are flat or just slightly concave like G. rupestris.

I fond this specimen growing on the side of a damp sandstone cliff at the back of the house. There was some G. dicarpa growing there too. G. microphylla is meant to be uncommon in the area so I’m happy to have found it so close by.

Gleichenia microphylla
G. microphylla Coral Fern growing on a damp sandstone cliff. I came across this when I was out the back looking after the blocked sewer main. Thanks sewer!
Gleichenia microphylla
G. microphylla frond. It looks a lot like the Pouched Coral Fern from the top. but under the leaves it was flat, no pouches.
Gleichenia microphylla
Close up of the fronds.

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Coral Fern ( G. rupestris )

Gleichenia rupestris

NPOS p.314 

This coral fern was helpfully marked on the Mueller track in the wildflower gardens. It was growing on sandstone near the base of a small cliff. The species wasn’t indicated, but from the description in NPOS I think it’s Gleichenia rupestris. The fronds are flat on the underside and are larger and flatter than the pouched coral fern, the stalks are hairless.

Coral Fern
Coral Fern - no pouches here
Coral Fern
close up of fronds and hairless stalks of the Coral Fern

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