Swimming pool at the Cascades

The Cascades is located at the junction of Middle Harbour and Frenches creeks inside Garigal National Park. Here both creek beds open from narrow winding channels onto wide expanses of potholed and weathered sandstone. It’s a picturesque and popular location with 3 well maintained fire trails leading into the area from Belrose, Davidson and St Ives.

In another exchange with John I learned that the Cascades has an interesting history. As a depression era work project a dam wall was built at the base of one of the two large natural pools to create a large public swimming pool. John sent a photo of how it looked when it was in operation. It reminds me of the ocean pools that occupy the rocky headlands of the nearby northern beaches.

Cascades pool at St Ives. 1934. During it’s use it was known as Bungaroo pool, however Bungaroo is several Kms downstream. ( photo from Trove http://trove.nla.gov.au/picture/result?q=+bungaroo+pool&l-format=Photograph)

Today the wall has been washed away, but the remains are clearly visible, along with some other structures and artifacts from it’s time as a public swimming pool.

The upper pool at the Cascades
Remains of the pool wall that kept the water in.
I tried to take this photo at the same location as the 1934 one. There were some large trees blocking the view, this is the best I could get
The Ladies Room – See the inscription in the rock at the lower left. Could this have been the ladies change room, or toilet? There was a small bowl carved out of the rock slab inside the cave.

During it’s time there was a public road leading down to the pool, it must have been a very tough journey, especially for the cars of the day. It was notorious enough that it was used as a test for several new model cars being reviewed in the Sydney Morning Herald‘s Motoring section in the mid 1930’s.

The “One Twenty” Packard
The eight cylinder Hudson
The eight cylinder Hupmobile
6 cylinder, 1936 Auburn

“On the freak hill at Bungaroo swimming pool, near St. Ives, the car gave a good demonstration of its ability to climb, without wheel-spin, as nasty a slope as any motorist might encounter.” – Motoring, SMH Dec 24th, 1935


Do you know anything about “Bungaroo Pool” at the cascades? I’d love to hear from you.


Sarcocornia quinqueflora

“A small, erect, leafless herb with succulent stems” NPOS p. 396

I came across this field of samphire in the salt flats of Moores Creek. I was there looking for remains of a footbridge from an old photo that was supposedly built during WWI as part of a military training exercise. There was no evidence of a bridge, and the creek looked different enough from the photo that it made me doubt I was in the right place.

Samphire. A small succulent edible herb that grown in salt marshes

While poking about among the mangroves the Samphire stood out as another plant I was unfamiliar with. Samphire is a small, growing to 30cm, leafless succulent herb that grows in dense colonies on salt marshes. I can’t recall seeing it before, I’ll probably notice it everywhere now.

A field of samphire on the salt flats of Moores Creek in Garigal National Park

I’ve since learnt that it’s edible too, I must go back to try some!


Bungaroo is an area located within Garigal National Park around the tidal limit of Middle Harbour Creek. It’s accessible by boat (at high tide) or bush track, even so it’s a wild area with a feeling of remoteness, it’s easy to forget how close it is to civilization. Bungaroo is also of historical significance to the early colony of New South Wales. It was at this spot that Governor Phillip camped with a small exploration party on April 16, 1788.

Middle Harbour Ck crossing at Bungaroo, looking east (upstream) about 150m from the tidal limit

My interest in Bungaroo was sparked when I was contacted by a man named John Byrnes about any information I had about the area. After numerous emails it was clear that Bungeroo is of great interest to John and he’s somewhat of an authority on the place. Much of what follows is from articles John sent me and documents he’s uncovered.

Not long after their arrival at Sydney in 1788 the new colony was having trouble getting crops established, not surprising considering the poor soil in the vicinity of Sydney cove. The animals they had brought with them were not doing well, many of the sheep had died and the chooks and roosters were not breeding. To save the colony from starvation Phillip set out on an expedition with a small group of men with the intention of locating fertile land capable of supporting the new colony. They  left Sydney on April 15th, travelling overland from Manly to Middle Harbour River all the way to the tidal limit at Bungeroo. Here they  they camped. The next day they climbed out of the valley and made their way up to the ridge line that is now occupied by the pacific Highway in the vicinity of Turramurra station. It was here where they glimpsed the blue mountains in the west. As a man of the world Phillip knew that large mountains meant a large river, which in turn meant fertile alluvial flats. The agricultural future of the colony lay in the west! They were back at Bungeroo that night, Phillip and his party returned to Sydney on April 18th.

Fresh water cascades down a rock into a deep pool at the tidal limit of Middle Harbour Ck

So resolute was Phillip to reach those mountains that just four days later, and before he had fully recovered from from the effects of the first trip, a similar party set off again directly westwards from Sydney on the 22nd April. They had much better rations but only reached as far as a hill that Phillip christened “Bellvue Hill”. They had then reached what we now call Prospect Hill – with an even better view of the Mountains. It took the English a bit longer to reach the Mountains and the expected big river, but reach it they did – and as anticipated it did become the food bowl of the Colony

Phillip sent a report of his Bungaroo expedition back to England, addressed to Lord Sydney, on the 15th May 1788, and here is what he wrote:

“The country we passed thro’ when we left the low grounds was the most rocky and barren I ever saw; the ascending and descending of the mountains being practicable only in particular places, but covered in flowering shrubs; and when about fifteen miles from the sea-coast we had a very fine view of the mountains inland, the northernmost of which I named Carmathen Hills and the southernmost Landsdown Hills.  A mountain between I called Richmond Hill, and from the rising of these mountains I did not doubt but that a large river would be found”.

From the early 20th century Bungaroo has been used by many as a picnic and camping spot, today there are well marked tracks through the area, although it would look pretty much as it did in 1788 when Phillip visited.

Sign at Bungaroo
Bungaroo track sign

There’s more detail on Bungaroo and it’s later use in this document obtained from Ku-Ring-Gai Library by John. Short histories and oral statements on Bungaroo

If you know of any more information on Bungaroo and it’s history John and myself would love to hear, you can contact us here.