We took a day trip up to the mountains to visit the Mt Tomar Botanic Gardens and the Zig Zag Railway.
We took the Bells line of road to the Gardens, it was wet and cold but we got the raincoats on and still managed to have a good time. The kids apriciated the run around after being in the car for so long.
The Zig Zag railway was a bit of an adventure. We rode on the steam train, it’s a beautiful engine and the volunteers running it seemed pretty proud. Not long after we departed the train went into a tunnel, it was pitch black in the carriage for a good minute or two. Will was on my lap not not making a peep. When we came back into the light he looked a bit traumatized. It was a leisurely trip to the bottom of the hill with one stop to change direction on the zig. I took Will off between showers to see the steam engine but it was too late for him. I think the dark tunnel, sitting cramped in the carriage and the lack of day sleep took it’s toll and he lost it. He was wailing for mummy, and then when I got him back he kept saying “no moor, no moor, back car”. Then we found out that the steam engine had broken down and we would have to wait for the diesel rail motor to come down and rescue us. Will was really making a scene, we bought the cafe dry of milk, that satisfied him a bit.
It was a quick trip up once the diesel arrived then back into the car for the long trip home.